- Dollar store Wreath
- Dollar store Christmas flowers (Your choice have fun with it)
- Dollar store spray on snow
- Dollar store golden bells
2. Take your spray on snow (I know there is a proper name for it but I have seemed to forgotten it) Spray the tips of the branches of the wreath. (LET DRY BEFORE PUTTING FLOWERS ON)
3. Take apart your Dollar store flower bundles and pick out all the flowers you want to put on the wreath.
4. Leave a long stem on the flowers that you want so that you can wrap that wire around the wreath to keep the flowers in place.
5. Randomly put the flowers on the wreath the way you want them to go. Wrap the wire that is on your flower tightly around the skeleton of the wreath so you don't see the wire and that it holds the flowers on well.
Spruce up the wreath a bit so it is not all flat and hang on your door you are done! TA DA! Easy peasy!
Have Fun!
Melissa Elizabeth